Kurs, Sempozyum, Kongre (Öğretme ve Yönetim)

  • Intraoperatif Radyoterapi (IORT) Sempozyum Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center / Newyork – Liv Hospital / İstanbul 06 July 2015. (President of Symposium and Moderator of Tumour Board).
  • Robotic Colorectal Surgical workshop. (Course Director)15.th Turkish Colorectal Society Congress. 19-23 May 2015 Antalya
  • 1st Turkish Colorectal Surger Society’s Robotic Colorectal Surgical workshop. (Course Director) December 2015 İstanbul
  • Asoglu O. Individualized treatment for colorectal cancer Symposium. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center&Liv Hospital 31 January 1February 2014. (President of Symposium). Moderator : Multidiciplinary Meeting for rectal Cancer. Live Surgery : Robotic Low Anterior Resection
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, XII. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. (Live Surgery: Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision) 06-07 December 2013, GATA Ankara
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, XI. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. (Live Surgery: Laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision) 08-09 March 2013, GATA Haydarpaşa Medical Faculty – İSTANBUL
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery,, X. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. ( Live Surgery : Laparoscopic Total Colectomy& ileorectal anastomosis) 28 – 29 June 2013, Istanbul Medical Faculty – İSTANBUL
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery,, XI. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery.(Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy&Intracorporeal anastomosis) 4-5 October 2013, Mersin University Medical school – MERSİN
  • Asoglu O: Workshop V. The Course of Robotic colorectal surgery. (Live Surgery : Robotic Low Anterior Resection) 27 March 2013, Liv Hospital, İstanbul.
  • Asoglu O: Workshop. The Course of Laparoscopic Gastric Cancer surgery. (Live Surgery : Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy) 13-14 March 2103, Liv Hospital, İstanbul.
  • Asoglu O: Workshop V. The Course of Robotic colorectal surgery (Live Surgery:Robotic Low Anterior Resection).19 Agusth 2013, Liv Hospital, İstanbul.
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, VIII. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery (Live Surgery: Total Colectomy&İleorectostomy). 14-15 December  2012, Acıbadem Bursa Hospital– BURSA
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, VII. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. (Live Surgery : Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy+Intracoporeal Anastomosis) 15-16 December 2011, Dokuz Eylül University, Medical School – İZMİR
  • Asoglu O: 10. Turkish Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgery Congress (Scientific Secretary) 2011, İstanbul
  • Asoglu O: 17. Turkish Surgical Congress ( Scientific Secretary). 2010, Ankara.
  • Asoglu O:, Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, VI. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. (Live Surgery: Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection)15-16 October 2010, Bursa
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery,, V. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. 1-2 April 2010, İstanbul.
  • Asoglu O: 9. Turkish Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgery Congress (Scientific Secretary) 2009, İstanbul
  • Asoglu O: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery,, IV. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. 4-5 December 2009, Ankara.
  • Asoglu O:  Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery, II. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. 21-22 November 2008, İstanbul.
  • Asoglu O:  Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery,, I. The Course of Laparoscopic colorectal surgery. 4 – 5 April-2008, İstanbul.