Yönetilen Tezler – Tez Danışmanlığı

  • Patients with operable rectal cancer, preoperative chemo-radiation applied Angiogenesis and Apoptotic Factors in Defining the Role of Response. Fatih Yanar. MD. 2009
  • Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer in the Extended lymphadenectomy events, a prospective controlled Cadaver study.Tugba Matlım MD,2010
  • Quantitative Evaulation of Laparoscopic Meoseorectal Excision in Mid-Distal Rectal Tumors by Histopathologic Investigations and Magnetic Resonence Findings. Enver Kunduz MD,2011
  • Metastatic Lymph Node Ratio is more valuable than the TNM Classification in Gastric Cancer : Long term oncologic Outcome . Suleyman Bademler MD 2013